
Morning vs Afternoon Game Drives

By Kings Camp Team on November 29, 2023

Chasing wildlife encounters

From sunrise to sunset

Embarking on the ultimate game drive safari experience at Kings Camp Private Game Reserve unfolds in two distinct acts – the morning and afternoon game drives. Beyond mere timing, this traditional schedule allows guests to witness the rhythm of the bushveld in all its glory and various tempos.

Experienced safari-goers will tell you they have a preference for the morning or the afternoon drive, so let’s dive into the nuances of each, exploring the advantages they bring, as well as the considerations for both summer and winter, ensuring an immersive, comfortable game drive safari at Kings Camp.

Morning Game Drives

Awaken with the wilderness

As the African sun rises over the Timbavati, the stage is set for a morning game drive safari at Kings Camp. After a chipper wake-up call from your guide, head down to the library for a much needed cup of coffee before heading out on the vehicle to see what you can find.

Before the heat of the day hits, listen to the symphony of awakening wildlife echoing through the savannah. The cool dawn air carries the promise of the day ahead, with predators more active and the landscape bathed in the soft glow of sunrise. The advantage of morning drives lies not only in the anticipation of the day’s discoveries but also in the possibility of encountering elusive nocturnal creatures returning to their lairs after a night of hunting. The cool temperatures make this game drive safari time conducive to extended explorations into the heart of the Timbavati wilderness.

Kings Camp’s experienced guiding and tracking teams will keep you entertained with their knowledge and expertise and some incredible wildlife sightings. A highlight of the morning game drive is the hot chocolate and Amarula stop in a picturesque setting overlooking the Timbavati landscape.

In the summer months game drives depart at 05h30, and at 06h00 in the winter months – meaning you can enjoy an extra 30 minutes of beauty sleep before your wake up call in winter!

Afternoon Game Drives

Sunset serenity

After a day enjoying lunch, an optional bush walk, a spa treatment, some game viewing in the underground hide and maybe even a sweet treat for afternoon tea, the second act of your game drive safari at Kings Camp unfolds.

Departing at 15h30 in the winter months and 16h00 in the summer months, settle into a seat on our game viewing vehicles and enjoy an afternoon of wildlife spotting accompanied by your expert guide and tracker. As the golden hues of the setting sun settle across the bushveld take in the breathtaking views, with the landscape aglow and predators gearing up for their nocturnal activities.

Warmer afternoon temperatures provide a comfortable backdrop for leisurely exploration. Moreover, the afternoon light transforms the landscape, painting it with rich, warm tones, creating a photographer’s dream.

View Safari Schedule

Seasonal Shifts: Summer vs. Winter

Every season brings its own canvas to the South African bushveld. In summer, lush vegetation offers cover for wildlife, and the landscape bursts with vibrant colors.

Morning game drives during summer serenade you with bird songs, while the afternoon safari provides relief from the daytime heat. In contrast, winter unveils a more open landscape, simplifying wildlife spotting.

The cooler mornings in winter enhance the chances of encountering predators on the move, while the crisp afternoons provide comfortable conditions for extended explorations.

What to Bring on a Game Drive Safari

Preparedness is key for a game drive safari at Kings Camp. Dress in layers to accommodate temperature changes, don a hat and sunglasses for sun protection, and wield a pair of binoculars to enhance your wildlife viewing experience.

Arm yourself with a camera to capture those awe-inspiring moments, and don’t forget a water bottle to stay hydrated during this adventure into the heart of the Timbavati wilderness.

Stay With Us

Whether choosing the anticipation of a sunrise safari or the serenity of a sunset expedition, each game drive safari at Kings Camp Private Game Reserve becomes a unique chapter in the unfolding story of the Timbavati wilderness.

As you venture into nature, remember that each drive promises a new and captivating encounter with the untamed beauty of South Africa’s wildlife, ensuring an unforgettable game drive safari experience.

If you are interested in enquiring about a safari to the Timbavati, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly reservations team via email at book@kingscamp.com or filling in our online booking form here.

We look forward to welcoming you to Kings Camp.


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