
Timbavati Safari Packing List

By Kings Camp Team on September 8, 2023

Gearing up for your next, or first, Timbavati safari?

Packing for safari can be tricky, and in the excitement of the moment the most obvious items can be forgotten. One way to ensure your experience of a lifetime runs smoothly is to make sure you’re well prepared for the ever-changing African bush. To help ensure you’ve got everything you need, we’ve highlighted a few essentials to add to your safari packing list.

Light, comfortable clothing

With temperatures reaching 40°C in the warmer months, light clothing is essential. Thin fabrics and loose-fitting garments are great for keeping your body cool and the sun off your skin.

Warm jacket, scarf and gloves

Setting out on a crisp, early morning game drive with the sun rising over the Timbavati veld, you can’t help but feel invigorated. One way to ensure that invigorated feeling doesn’t turn into a shiver is to make sure you pack appropriately. The winter months between April and September are known to be cold in the mornings and evenings, and quite warm during the day. Since the weather can change so drastically, layering is the best method to ensure you’ve covered all bases. Pack a thick jackets that can be discarded once the sun has risen.

Sun protection

An essential on any safari packing list, sun protection is an item many people forget. The African sun can be fierce, and is often a lot stronger than expected. A sunscreen of factor 50+ is recommended, as well as a wide brimmed hat and UV protected sunglasses.


Many moments on your Timbavati safari will be difficult to forget, and being able to bring those memories home to share with friends and family make them even more special. Amateur and professional photographers alike get lost behind their lenses when exploring the diverse and exquisite natural beauty of the bush. Don’t forget to pack your charger and an extra memory card – you’ll be taking more photos than you expect!


Whether you’re a keen birder or not, having a pair of binoculars is a helpful addition to your safari kit. Get them out on a game drive and get a closer look at that lion lying across the riverbed.

Insect repellent

While the Kruger National Park area is not a high-risk malaria region, mosquitos are known to visit guests in the evenings. A good bug repellent can keep these pesky insects at bay. All rooms at Kings Camp are fitted with mosquito nets, and all game drives offer repellent to guests, but if you’re travelling to other destinations it’s recommended to bring your own to be on the safe side.

The guides and trackers at Kings Camp and their expert knowledge of the fauna and flora are the perfect accent to any safari. Learn about the intricacies of the African bush first hand, and create memories that will last long after your Timbavati safari is over.

For more information, or to book your Kruger Park safari at Kings Camp, contact us today.

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